Paul King | Freelance Architect

Architecture Prime Ltd is the practice of Registered Architect Paul King, a leading Freelance Architect based in Christchurch and working on projects across New Zealand. Paul is particularly interested in challenging commercial, institutional and residential projects, and rather than simply handing down slick looking designs copied from the latest style magazines, finds that collaboration with intelligent and enthusiastic clients, as well as intelligent and experienced builders and others in the project delivery team tends to yield richer, more effective, and often more exciting solutions.

My Story: A Personal Exposé

by Paul King

Plenty of designers out there do very well cranking out ‘just-good-enough-to-get-by’ drawings on autopilot – and to be fair, production line, cookie cutter type design services are where the money is – but what really gets me out of bed in the morning and working late into the night is solving interesting problems for interesting people, distilling elegant solutions from amongst the noise of seemingly conflicting requirements.

Let’s face it; I am an architectural geek.

Rather than cultivating my firm handshake and a network of clients on the golf course by day and schmoozing in restaurants and bars by night like I probably should, I would much rather spend any spare time (when I am not with my family) exploring new ideas and technologies, debating philosophy on-line, sketching and day-dreaming about architecture;

While a geeky cerebral focus certainly sharpens the tools, by any normal measure it also makes me a lousy salesperson for an architecture business, where image and charisma are everything. It doesn’t matter how good an architect is, ability means nothing without also being well known in the right circles – and getting well known in the right circles requires a lot of networking and dull small talk that I just can’t get excited about… A geek’s dilemma!

For this reason I think it is high time I forget the traditional face to face networking approach (because frankly, I suck at it!), and just try and connect directly with interesting people who have interesting architectural problems – online. 

A sort of ‘Internet dating’ process for finding the right kind of clients.

So here goes…

Tall,  dark and handsome ** architect seeking meaningful connection with interesting clients, who like interesting architecture.

Enjoys long walks on the beach, romantic and evocative design that tugs at the heart as much as the head, and cosy nights in front of the CAD monitor.   Gets unaccountably excited about finding new and elegant solutions to knotty problems.

My ideal collaborators should have an appreciation for design, and ‘get’ what a difference it can make in their lives.

Hopefully they will also have a few ideas of their own, and enjoy working together to see them evolved, distilled, and brought to life.  

They should have a challenging brief that I can really get my teeth into, and be just about as excited as I am about the whole thing!

(** well, tall anyway)

Paul King

Here are just a few of the challenges that I love to deal with …

Difficult Sites

Use lateral thinking to discover and exploit the functional, spatial and sculptural possibilities. Work with rather than against the terrain and the context, leveraging unexpected opportunities

Design for connection with nature

Forge a strong connection with nature, a serene oasis, even while positively engaging with and enhancing a vibrant urban environment (yes, this really is possible, right in the city

Design to convince a tough audience

Design with integrated and responsive 3D visuals and written outcomes, to get hard to please tenants, investors and other stakeholders on board.

Use new technologies and building methods

Exploit emerging technologies in prefabrication, 3D printing, self sufficient green energy systems etc.

‘Mixed Use’ done well

Achieve a vibrant mixture of commercial and residential activities on the same site, without compromising either

Future proofing

Build in flexibility to accommodate the accelerating rate of change in building use patterns and servicing.

Express who YOU are

Design to reflect your artistic and aesthetic sensitivity, spirituality, environmental views and lifestyle aspirations, without compromising practicality

Harmonize conflicting requirements

Accommodate elegantly what might otherwise dominate and diminish your experience. For example make best use of the sun, while protecting from the prevailing wind and nosy neighbours.

Make money for you

Maximising resale value while minimising cost – a lot easier if the design is good

Surprise me!

Go ahead, make my day …